Some of the greatest street meals are not just cheap, but also fast and easy. With many people opting to cook at home, street food vendors have become an essential part of many economies.
From Southeast Asia to the Middle East and Africa, street food vendors have become a staple of most urban residents. Even though they might not seem like it at first glance, these vendors are quite important in our society. Here are 11 things you didn’t know about street food:

They were not expensive
This might come as a surprise to many people, but street food in many places around the world is not expensive. Many of the best street meals in the world are often much cheaper than similar dishes you’ll find in a restaurant.
For example, in Vietnam, you can get a full meal — including a drink and a dessert — for under $2. In Bangkok and other parts of Thailand, street food can cost as little as $2 and $3. In India, it’s possible to enjoy a full meal for $2. And in Mexico, you can get a combination plate for as little as $1.
They don’t need refrigeration
Many dishes served at street food stalls don’t need to be refrigerated because they’re made of simple ingredients and are relatively inexpensive. This makes them especially convenient to serve. The main advantage of serving unfrozen foods at a street food stand, however, is that they can be consumed immediately and don’t require extensive preparation.
Many street foods, such as Vietnamese spring rolls and Indian dosas, are made from simple ingredients that don’t require much preparation. Many of them, such as Mexican tacos, are already assembled and only need to be assembled again for serving.
It’s a great way to socialise
There are several benefits to eating at a street food stand. The most obvious is that you’ll be socialising while eating.
This can be a great way to meet new people and make new friends. The next big advantage of street food is that you’ll tend to eat with a larger group of people than you would if you ate at home. This can be a nice break from your normal routine and also a great way to socialise with friends and family who don’t often get to eat with you.

Be careful with your order
Many street food vendors are very informal and will often greet you when you enter the stand. They’ll often ask you how your day is going and ask you how you’re feeling, too. This can be a very nice experience, especially if the vendor is from a different ethnic group than you.
However, this informal behaviour does extend to how you order your food. As a rule of thumb, you should keep in mind that the vendor is likely not a professional chef and that you should be very careful with what you order.
Street food is healthy, too!
Many street foods are healthy, especially those that are vegetarian and/or vegan. For example, Indian yoghurt and beans are both very cheap and healthy and are a great meal for $1 or less. The same goes for many street foods that are vegetarian, such as Ethiopian injera or Mexican tacos. These types of foods are often very filling and are a great way to get a healthy, inexpensive meal.
Some vendors serve alcohol and/or tea
The next thing you might not know about street food is that some vendors serve alcohol and/or tea with their food. This is especially common in some parts of India and Southeast Asia.
This can make these types of dishes even more affordable and popular, especially among working-class people. In some places, you can even order your street food with a beer or cup of tea. This can be a nice way for people who are drinking to enjoy a more affordable meal with their friends.
Street food isn’t just for locals — it can be enjoyed by everyone!
Many people assume that many street foods are only enjoyed by people who live in the area. This is not always the case, however. In many parts of the world, street food vendors are often popular with tourists and people from other countries.
This is especially common in places like Mexico and Thailand. In both of these places, you can enjoy many delicious foods in a very cheap and casual way.
There are ways to help improve street food in your city.
The best way to improve the overall quality of street food in your city is to simply enjoy more of it. This is a great way to experience new foods and learn a lot about different cultures. By eating more street food, you’ll also be helping to improve the overall quality of your diet.
Wrap up
Street food is an underrated part of many cities around the world. These stalls can offer some of the most delicious and inexpensive meals around.
However, many people don’t enjoy them because they assume they’re not clean or that they’re unhealthy. The best way to enjoy street food is simply to enjoy it more. By doing this, you can also help improve the overall quality of your diet and make these types of meals a regular part of your diet.